Certificate Level
C01 | Fundamentals of Management Accounting Aim of the syllabusC01: Fundamentals of Management Accounting paper introduces you to core management accounting topics such as cost determination, breakeven analysis, standard costing, cost and accounting systems and financial planning and control.Topics covered
C02 | Fundamentals of Financial Accounting Aim of the syllabusThe C02: Fundamentals of Financial Accounting paper takes you through conceptual and regulatory frameworks, accounting systems and control, and preparing accounting statements for single entities.Students will be required to be aware of the format and content of published accounts but are not required to prepare them.Topics covered
C03 | Fundamentals of Business MathematicsAim of the syllabusC03: Fundamentals of Business Mathematics introduces you to basic mathematics, probability, summarising and analysing data, variables, forecasting, financial mathematics and spreadsheets.Topics covered
C04 | Fundamentals of Business EconomicsAim of the syllabusC04: Fundamentals of Business Economics covers the goals and decisions of organisations, the market system and the competitive process, the financial system and the macroeconomic context of business.Topics covered
C05 | Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business LawAim of the syllabusC05: Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law covers ethics and business, ethical conflict, corporate governance, comparison of English law with alternative legal systems, the law of contract, the law of employment, and company administration and finance.Topics covered
Operational Level
E1 | Organisational ManagementAim of the syllabusE1 focuses on the structuring of organisations. It covers the structure and principles underpinning the operational functions of the organisation, their efficient management and effective interaction in enabling the organisation to achieve its strategic objectives. It lays the foundation for gaining further insight into both the immediate operating environment and long-term strategic future of organisations, which are covered in E2 and E3.Topics covered
P1 | Management AccountingAim of the syllabusP1 stresses the importance of costs and the drivers of costs in the production, analysis and use of information for decision making in organisations. The time focus of P1 is the short term. It covers budgeting as a means of short- term planning to execute the strategy of organisations. In addition it provides competencies on how to analyse information on costs, volumes and prices to take short-term decisions on products and services and to develop an understanding on the impact of risk to these decisions. P1 provides the foundation for cost management and the long-term decisions covered in P2.Topics covered
F1 | Financial Reporting and Taxation Aim of the syllabusF1 covers the regulation and preparation of financial statements and how the information contained in them can be used. It provides the competencies required to produce financial statements for both individual entities and groups using appropriate international financial reporting standards. It also gives insight into how to effectively source and manage cash and working capital, which are essential for both the survival and success of organisations. The final part focuses on the basic principles and application of business taxation. The competencies gained from F1 form the basis for developing further insights into producing and analysing complex group accounts (covered in F2) and formulating and implementing financial strategy (covered in F3).Topics covered
Management Level
E2 | Project and Relationship ManagementAim of the syllabusE2 emphasises a holistic, integrated approach to managing organisations, from external and internal perspectives. It builds on the understanding of organisational structuring gained from E1 and is centred on the concept of strategy and how organisational strategy can be implemented through people, projects, processes and relationships. It provides the basis for developing further insights into how to formulate and implement organisational strategy, which is covered in E3.Topics covered
P2 | Advanced Management AccountingAim of the syllabusFocusing primarily on the long term, P2 builds on the insights about costs and their drivers (from P1) to provide the competencies needed to analyse, plan and manage costs to support the implementation of the organisation’s strategy. It shows how to manage and control the performance of various units of the organisation in line with both short-term budgets and long-term strategy. Finally, P2 covers investment decision making and the risks associated with such decisions. It provides the basis for developing deeper understanding of various types of risk affecting the strategy and operations of organisations (covered in P3).Topics covered
F2 | Advanced Financial ReportingAim of the syllabusF2 builds on the competencies gained from F1. It covers how to effectively source the long-term finance required to fund the operations of organisations, particularly their capital investments. It also deepens the coverage of financial reporting to more complex aspects of group accounting and analyses the rules governing the recognition and measurement of various elements of the financial statements. Finally it shows how to analyse financial statements to provide insights about the financial performance and position of the organisation over time and in comparison with others.Topics covered
Strategic Level
E3 | Strategic ManagementAim of the syllabusE3 builds on the insights gained from E1 and E2 about how organisations effectively implement their strategies by aligning their structures, people, process, projects and relationships. E3 aims to develop the skills and abilities of the strategic leaders of organisations, enabling them to create the vision and direction for the growth and long-term sustainable success of the organisation. This involves successfully managing and leading change within the process of strategy formulation and implementation.Topics covered
P3 | Risk ManagementAim of the syllabusP3 shows how to identify, evaluate and manage various risks that could adversely affect the implementation of the organisation’s strategy. It provides the competencies required to analyse, evaluate and apply the techniques, processes and internal control systems required to manage risk. This insight is then used to manage the risks associated with both cash flows and capital investment decisions – two important areas of organisational life for which the finance function is responsible.Topics covered
F3 | Financial StrategyAim of the syllabusF3 focuses on the formulation and implementation of financial strategy to support the overall strategy of the organisation. Using insights gained from F1 and F2, it provides the competencies to evaluate the financing requirements of organisations and the relative merits of alternative sources of finance to meet these requirements. Finally, it develops the competencies required to value investment opportunities including the valuation of corporate entities for mergers, acquisitions and divestments.Topics covered